Time Began in a Garden

"Now the Lord God planted a garden in the east, in Eden." Genesis 2:8

Friday, January 05, 2007


"Life ia a promise,

fulfill it."

Mother Teresa


At 6:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That Teresa chick is/was pretty wise...is that why everyone calls her 'Mother'

How did she come by the "Mother' title anyway?

I know....I could read about her if I wanted
I'd rather get the condensed version from one of you

Go Chiefs!
Mark A

At 9:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

More thoughts on WONDER. Peggy2 commented about the wonder children have about Christmas, a wonder that often fades as we age. Here's a different way of expressing that thought - and a real challenge for all adults:

I Am Cherry Alive
by Delmore Schwartz

"I am cherry alive," the little girl sang,
"Each morning I am something new:
I am apple, I am plum, I am just as excited
As the boys who made the Hollowe'en bang:
I am tree, I am cat, I am blossom too:
When I like, if I like, I can be someone new,
Someone very old, a witch in a zoo:
I can be someone else whenever I think who,
And I want to be everything sometimes too:
And the peach has a pit and I know that too,
And I put it in along with everything
To make the grown-ups laugh whenever I sing:
And I sing: It is true; It is untrue;
I know, I know, the true is untrue,
The peach has a pit,
The pit has a peach:
And both may be wrong
When I sing my song,
But I don't tell the grown-ups: because it is sad,
And I want them to laugh just like I do
Because they grew up
And forgot what they knew
And they are sure
I will forget it some day, too.
They are wrong. They are wrong. When I sang my song, I knew, I knew!
I am red, I am gold,
I am green, I am blue,
I will always be me,
I will always be new!"


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