Some weeks ago
I began wishing to have a live Christmas Tree this year.
I looked it up in the old pictures, and the last time I had one was 1974!
I asked Peggy and Mike if they would help me pick one out and transport it to 5117 Wilson.
And of course they said, "Yes!".We found the perfect one, and Mike is "bringing it home".
Everyone's just right.
And so now it's waiting to be adorned with all it's Christmas finery. Will post an update in a day or two.
TFT: "Are you willing to believe that love is the strongest thing in the world-stronger than hate, stronger than evil, stronger than death-and that the blessed life which began in Bethlehem two thousand years ago is the image and brightness of the Eternal Love.
Then you can keep Christmas."
Henry Van Dyke
2 Comments:'s perfect!
Just like days of old...I'm sure it will get knocked over a time or two prior to X-mas...wouldn't that be fitting?
Can't wait to smell it for myself
Love to all,
Good job mike and Peggy
Mark A & Deb
Yay I'm happy you got a real tree! I got a baby 1' tall potted "dwarf spruce" from Trader Joes. It's cute. I wasn't ready to commit to a big tree with all the move-in stuff. I should have internet after tomorrow night so I'll be back in the blogosphere!!
Can't wait to see everyone again at Christmas! I'll do whatever I can to be back in time.
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