Time Began in a Garden

"Now the Lord God planted a garden in the east, in Eden." Genesis 2:8

Friday, July 06, 2007


"Beware that you do not forget the Lord your God...

lest, when you have eaten and are full,...

and your silver and your gold are multiplied,...

when your heart is lifted up, and you forget the Lord your God...

and say in your heart,
'My power and the might of my hand have gained me this wealth.'...

If you by any means forget the Lord your God...

I testify against you this day that you shall surely perish." Deuteronomy 8:11-14, 17, 19 (see also July 2)

"A democracy cannot exist as a pernament form of government

It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the public treasury.

From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most money from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by dictatorship." Alexander Tyler

"The average age of the world's great civilizations has been 200 years.

These nations have progressed through the following sequence:

From bondage to spiritual faith,

from spiritual faith to great courage,

from courage to liberty,

from liberty to abundance,

fron abundance to selfishness,

from selfishness to complacency,

from complacency to apathy,

from apathy to dependency,

and from dependency back to bondage."

"Their inward part is destruction...
Pronounce them guilty, O God!
Let them fall by their own counsels." Psalms 5: 9-10

In "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire:, the thesis is this, 'That it fell, not because of the superior enemy on the outside: but because of the decay of Rome on the inside.' "

Rome was not murdered, she committed suicide! David Jeremiah

Where then shall hope be found?

"If My people who are called by My name
will humble themselves,
and pray and seek My face,
and turn from their wicked ways,
then I will hear from heaven,
and will forgive their sin and heal their land."

IIChronicles 7:14

Please hold Debi in your prayers.

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At 4:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was quite an interesting view of politics, religion, life, death and the hereafter, and the basic nature of man. thanks for the thought-provoking quotes.

At 4:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you got me going on the quote about the fall of democracies. found this interesting website about it:

check it out.

At 5:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

finally, i think, unfortunately, there is some validity to cycle of a democracy. we better beware, but i'm not sure we can. the general humanity is just not that interested in learning the details of who they should elect to government office.

At 5:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

and finally, i DID read that first quote in today's blog entry, too. i'll digest that part.

and, is that who or whom?

At 10:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debi had her angiogram this morning...revealed an artery that runs across
the front of the heart that was 90% blocked.
They went ahead with an angiogram - medicated stint.
She is doing great....up and around walking the floors.
Will get to go home tomorrow morning.
I think she will feel much better in the long run.
I think her fibro myalgia (sp?) was masking some of the heart issues.

We can feel the love from a distance...back at ya with a big squeeze
Mark A


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