I have been so very busy for the past month or more; and I was determined yesterday morning that I was going to get into my old routine. Got up and dressed to go to exercise at the Senior Center, when there came a knock at my door.
No it wasn't the puppy knocking, but rather a neighbor who had been walking her dog, when she saw this little lady wandering around as though she was lost. A beautiful red "diamond" studded collar, but no tags.
My friend picked her up, went home and put her in her car and came to my house to see if I knew who the puppy belonged to. After a bit of conversation about what we should do (she couldn't take the doggie to her house because of her own dog), I told her I would keep the obviously little lost thing, while we tried to find out where she lived. (Decided to put up some "doggie found" signs.)
Well, as you can see, she proceeded to make herself at home. I decided to call her Goldilocks (can you guess why?) After a few hours, and a walk through the neighborhood thinking she might lead me to her home, I decided to take her to the Humane Society to see if she had an implanted chip.
She DID NOT want to get into the car, but I finally got her in and off we went. When we got there, and I opened the car door, she jumped out and rannnnnnnn! I finally caught her and we went in.
She had a chip. I found out that she lived right behind me, and I took her home. Needless to say, they were VERY happy. And they promised me they would get her some tags.
Maybe tomorrow I will get back to the old routine. Who knows? : )
Speaking on behalf of 'Goldilocks'...thx for your kindness, smart thinking, and the treats (I am sure there was some food involved)
On a side note....a little doggy sure looks gooood on your sofa...
As the new director of the Clinton animal shelter, my wife has bunches of nice ones to choose from...trust me
OK...I have done my civic duty....I will not mention it again
Love ya (you little dog lover)
Mark A
Nice job with the chip and all Mom.
Did you find out what her real name is?
You were right (in our phone conversation) I enjoyed today's blog very much. You've put a huge grin on my face. And, as Curtis said, I am very curious about her "other" name!
xoxo to all
To me she'll always be Goldilocks.
Hope to see her every once in a while as weather warms and Jerry and I once again take our daily walks.
I admit she really did look pretty "at home" here: but if I would get a "real" pet, I might not be able to be the rescue house or Grandmother's dog sitting spot that seems just right for me.
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