continued II
With decorations, a beautiful Birthday Cake with candles, (I blew them out and doubled up on the same wish : ) ... bound to come true now) cards and presents, ice cream and chocolate syrup!
Thanks guys and gals for one of the best birthdays ever!
Did anyone get any other pictures?
"What greater thing is there for human souls than to feel that they are joined for life - to be with each other in silent unspeakable memories." George Eliot

It was a good time. An extra thanks to Mark for driving to Asheville. I am so used to driving all the time - it was nice to ride!
The party planners did a GREAT job with the surprise!!!!!!
WoooHooo Double wishes! What a great time you had ;)
We have a great pic. of you coming through the streamers. We'll get it to you soon!
I am enjoying your retelling of our trip!
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