In the movie, "The Game of Their Lives", also called "The Miracle Match", we find the incredible story about the men behind one of the all-time greatest upsets in sports history.
Two weeks before the 1950 World Cup in Brazil, a ragtag group of recreational soccer players from St. Louis and New York were chosen to represent the U.S.A. In spite of conflicts - personal, cultural and playing styles - they had mere days to become a team.
And then they had to play the British, the best team in the world. Inspired by a new found belief in the team, their passion and talent turned into pure magic on the field - and the unthinkable happened. ***
This strength and courage came from deep inside, and the spark that kindled this flame was the pride they all felt in representing their country, The United States of America!
Much of this film was shot on The Hill as 5 of the players on this soccer team were from this neighborhood. The opening dialouge of the movie jumped out at me as truly describing the "feel" of this place. As the camera pans some recognizable and significant "landmarks" of The Hill, the accompanying script puts it this way.
"The Hill, settled by Italian immigrants around the turn of the century, is an area of about 20 square blocks. A tightly knit, self contained enclave, their world revolved around hard work, family, and food. Bocce ball, baseball,...the church...and soccer!"
Yes, this place is awash with red, white and green. But also with red, white and blue.
Many homes proudly display "Old Glory", and she waves daily in front of St. Ambrose School.
I do so enjoy watching the older students raising her each morning and lowering her each afternoon; carefully handling and making certain she doesn't touch the ground!
And if it begins to rain, they come out and take her down.
In this day when so many of our nations flags are often displayed with wavering respect, it means much to me to witness the "tradition" that I grew up with.
TFT: Let's never forget how blessed we are to live in this country. Don't forget to vote...people gave their lives in order for us to enjoy that privilege!
Tomorrow: More about the school's part in this story.
***Fron the jacket cover of the movie, "The Miracle Match"
thx for the inspiration....again
luv u
Mark A
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