After more than 3 1/2 years I have a screen door on my back door.
Now there may be finer, fancier screendoors out there somewhere; but no where is anyone more proud of their screendoor than I am!
It has been quite a process, as my backdoor is very old and is not a standard width. What to do...trim down a wider screendoor, frame up the opening?
Problem solved. A handyman here on The Hill custtom built me an old fashioned wooden screen door just like I wanted all along.It has an old-fashioned spring closure, an old-fashioned hook, and old-fashioned pull handle and even an old-fashioned sound!
If you grew up with, "don't slam the screen door", you are welcome to come over and slam it all you want!
OR, if you haven't the slightest idea of what I am talking about, come on over and try it for yourself!
Any takers?
My neighbor, Jerry, got so amused at my quite evident and almost uncontrollable excitement over a new wooden screen door! He said, and I quote, "You know our lives must be pretty dull to get this excited over a screen door!" I told him that he was wrong... Because I am convinced that it is the great joy over the little things that really makes life exciting.
Now I am not going to ask for confirmation of this opinion, because I know it is true. But if anyone wants to add a thought...go for it!
I should have 'used' the door last night after dinner. I'll be back soon to check it out. By the way, thanks for dinner.
I live to get GREAT JOY from the little things. If I reserved the GREAT JOY in life for only the big things... I might be ho hum a lot!
Hey, the easier it is to make you happy, the happier you'll be.
Easy peesie. Makes sense to me.
I like your screen door especially because it's a good step in conserving energy! I know you plan to keep the door open and turn off that AC : ) You go, grandma!
yes, you are right... let's be happy and celebrate the little things in life
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