continued IV
A little review....
Do you rememer me mentioning Curt's climb to the top of Mount LeConte?Well, there's a lodge up there.
With a dining room.And cabins.
And yes, that means that supplies are needed.
And so three times a week, these 'gentle beasts of burden' (as described in Webster's dictionary), and their owner, make the trek to the top.
click on "getting there" for some really interesting facts about this.
please come back tomorrow for more about this wonderful day.
"When we look at our lives, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses"
Joyce Brothers
"Happinesses". You won't find that in Webster
Nevertheless, I think we all know and understand it's meaning .
One of my great "happinesses" on this trip was seeing and doing all the things I wanted to; and to see those I love and cherish having such a good time being able to do the things they wanted to do.
Again, "thanks" are in order.
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