People have often ask me how i came to live on The Hill.
There is a series of events that preceded my move here, some involving not only where I was in my life journey, but also what was going on in the lives of other members of my family.
It is trackable, but takes quite a while to explain, as each detail is important to the whole.
So i have come to very respectfully reply, "It's a God thing", which, by the way, I believe with all my heart.
However I would like to allude to one very important part of the story
My home is directly across from the entrance to St. Ambrose School. This had a great deal to do with my decision, as I knew how very much I would enjoy seeing the children coming and going, and to hear them playing on the schoolyard.
I have not been disappointed; and as we begin to close down this summer adventure, what better experience to include than the sure sign that summer is drawing to an end.... The first day of school.
For some it is a true "Kodak moment", because it is literally their "first day of school".
And it seems to be a family affair.
It's all done in order as the morning parade on this narrow one way street passes by.
TFT: "Train up a child, in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6
Tomorrow: Saved the best for last
I really believe that! If you show your child the way without force, no matter where he goes he will deep down be rooted in your teachings and not "depart" from them for his entire life. Just maybe for awhile : )
Don't know why, but its OK. Your post this morning put a little tear in my eye. I think it's the way you describe the rhythms of the neighborhood so poetically. Good one!
Yep, it really is poetic....
" the morning parade on this narrow one-way street passes by."
someday I want to hear of all the order...that motivated you to pursue your new home.
the children need people like yourself to provide a safe environment/ much as you need them....they are lucky to have you as a neighbor
Mark A
Isn't it a true joy to know you are in the exact address which God choose for you!!!! We have lived in five homes, at five addresses, in four towns, in our forty years of marriage and each one has been a "God Thing".
I am looking forward, not only for the sixth address but for the eternal address...!
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