Time Began in a Garden

"Now the Lord God planted a garden in the east, in Eden." Genesis 2:8

Monday, November 27, 2006


Well, it's a lot like being in limbo....

Through the marvels of electronic wizardry we have stayed connected during the Thanksgiving holiday. I trust that all travelers are home safe and sound...and now...
we look ahead to the Christmas season.

However, even though I have begun preparation,...some decorating, some shopping and some baking...it seems a bit early to begin a "Christmas Series" on this humble blog.

So here's where we're going for the next week or so:

Many of the quotes and thoughts that I have shared in the past months have come from a little book that Debi and Mark gave me in 2004. And beginning today I am simply going to open it to today's date and "post" the thought found there; and then continue the same in the days ahead.

Some are quite brief....some a little longer.

Some may seem quite appropriate to the moment...others may be less so.

But it's going to be the "luck of the draw" so to speak, and what will be interesting will be to see how many speak very meaningfully to anyone or all of us on any given day.

So, here we go....November 27.

"We are made for God,
and nothing less will really satisfy us."
Brennan Manning

ps: plan to add a picture from time to time


At 8:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I often 'wonder' the true value of short term satifactions...they seem to be functional, but do they blind us to the bigger picture?

I am soooo glad that you decided to hold off on the Christmas ditties...I love the season, but feel it is somewhat diluted by the constant commercial 'need' to stretch. I look forward to the nervous anticipation of coming 'home' for Christmas and celebrating the season with family and friends.

Mark A

At 8:44 AM, Blogger rewired said...

Yippee! Great idea! As a December baby I prefer delaying the Christmas season until mid-month. So I appreciate this plan!
I'm going to chew on the quote for the day for awhile and comment later.

At 6:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Peggy! It's Amie, and I am in New York visiting mom and dad. Dad is actually teaching me how to use a computer effectively!! Matt and I would love to go to lunch with you someday. Good to talk at you.

God Bless, Amie


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