Jennie and me..... The Chihuly Exhibit at Botanical Gardens
The 17th Annual Risotto Cookoff at Milos
"Make new friends and keep the old,
one is silver, the other gold."
Starting today, with God's help, I am going to seek ways to stir up the gift of friendship within me.
I will continue to pray that God will help me to become more tolerant, more compassionate, more accepting, more loving; and...
Today, I will begin by putting "good intentions" into action.
When an act of friendship comes to mind..a note written, a phone call made, a word of encouragement....just '"being there" ... I will "just do it".
"As your friend,
I appreciate your strengths,
I accept your weaknesses,
I do not wish to judge,
control, or change you."
Kim Anderson
I am going to fertilize one of my 'spirit' fruits....patience
My wife's recent struggles with her illness have progressively gotten worse over time.
They are beginning to affect her ability to be present or perform at work.
Many times....I fall into the trap of being concerned about how this situation will affect me...and forget to be a support structure for her.
It requires an enourmous amount of patience to efficiently play both ends against the middle.
Whenever I find myself questioning my ability to summon up what is required...I fall back on the silent inspirations of an old mentor of mine....the king of patience....Harold
Today, I am going to use my patience to stay focused on the needs and struggles of others.
miss all,
Mark A
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I love your pictures of you and Jennie. Friends are so important! Who wouldn't want to be friends with you?
Mark, that's an excellent challenge!
I've decided to work on accepting the word 'no'. When someone says no to me, I tend to internalize it and just know for sure that it's a rejection of my whole self! When it is really just an answer or a response to a question or situation.
I'm now headed into a different line of business...sales! My coaching practice and my JuicePlus+ business will deal with more direct selling. The word 'no' may be a response I will hear more than I want to...scary! In the book "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz (an excellent book), one of the agreements is: DON'T TAKE ANYTHING PERSONALLY. That's a tall order for me and my new challenge!
Thanks for presenting us with this opportunity to grow! :)
Mom - You're the best. I am not sure how you plan on being more loving than you already are!
And now a test of your humor - Please coach your photographer (picture of you and Jennie)to position a nice Budweiser sign in the background next time. :) What can I say - The place where I currently earn a living has me programmed! Love to Ya.
Mark -
I'm sorry to hear that Debi's condition is getting worse, or at least affecting her more adversely. I've never had to face an issues like those described above, and so I can't quite identify with the struggles and need to adjust. I must say, it seems scary to me. And I know that someday I will be in such a position.
Our family history offers up excellent role models for such situations, and I hope I will be able to live up to the challenge, as I know you are, Mark.
Mom, nice Hill friends.
#1 (does that mean I always put myself first?)
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