Time Began in a Garden

"Now the Lord God planted a garden in the east, in Eden." Genesis 2:8

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Two climbers (a morning glory and a hyacinth bean vine) have joined forces and are reaching for the sky.
This is called a pineapple plant. It doesn't produce the fruit, but certianly looks like it, don't you think?
A pleasant spot to rest for awhile and enjoy the garden.

TTOF: "Friends have a sixth sense about each other's needs. We understand the value of a comforting word, a heartfelt prayer, a reassuring smile...a quart of Rocky Road!" Julie Sutton

I'll get the spoons! :)

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At 8:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

...and leave the bowls in the cabinet! We'd just have to wash them later!
Always remember and never forget that if you and a friend eat something "bad" together the calories are cancelled out! Hey, that's a good argument for never eating alone (especially comfort food)!
Thanks for sharing Jerry's garden!

At 12:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can still remember how tired I was at basketball practice the day after Tim came and got me out of bed to go for a ride and a talk.

We ended up in Cairo, IL. and I didn't say a word the entire time....just listened....what a story that boy could tell.

He probably doesn't know but I had one eye closed the whole time...

Mom...love the flowers....yours and Jerry's
I have not had time to do any yard stuff this year...looks very bland....so your photos serve as my garden...keep up the photos

fyi... Debi is doing fine
It is kind of strange....she seems to have more energy....but also more pain....maybe a function of the increased blood/oxygen flow....who knows?

Ariz is right around the corner

e-hugs 'till it hurts
Mark A


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