On the last evening, we had our traditional "night out".
A great supper and then off to see The Comedy Barn Theatre http://www.comedybarn.com/ where we laughed until our sides hurt.
Picked up two sacks of ice cream on the way home, and indulged...in some cases eating directly out of the carton!
The next morning, one final trip into the park.
My thanks to Curt and family for the ride.
I loved my little "nest" in the back of the van.And so we end our adventure to The Great Smokey Mountains. But the memories linger on.
Let's never underestimate the power of the extended family.
"The lack of emotional security of so many of our American young people is due, I believe, to their isolation from the larger family unit. No two people - no mere father and mother--as I have often said, are enough to provide emotional security for a child. They need to feel themselves as one in a world of kinfolk, persons of variety in age and temperament, and yet allied to themself by an indissoluble bond which they cannot break if they could, for nature has welded them into it before they were born." Pearl S. Buck
I would like to add: The need for emotional security is never outgrown. Grandmothers need to feel themselves "one in a world of kinfolk". Thanks to all for being a part of that security for me. How I do love you.
Please come back tomorrow for a few closing thoughts.
Whew - Now I have to drive home again!
According to Pearl S. Buck I do a good thing providing the young with a variety of temperament! :)
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