First you empty the trash,
then you sweep the street,
then you gather up the laundry,
and then you..... SCRUB!
You scrub the sidewalk. You scrub the curb.
You scrub the street.
You scrub everthing!
Tomorrow: We're not finished with the cleaning yet!
TFT: "If there is a God who speaks anywhere, surely He speaks here: through waking up and working, through going away and coming back again, through people you read and books you meet, through falling asleep in the dark." Frederick Buechner.
The sweeping and the scrubbing are some of those Italian "things" one sees on the Hill that remind me of Italy.
It's all a take care. Your words encourage me to empty and sweep and gather and scrub figuratively as well as literally!
Thanks for the clean walk today!
This reminds me of the comments you have made in the past concerning the proper 'sequence' of events required to get (and stay)on track....
- clean yourself and those dependent on you...
- clean your home...
- feed yourself with something nurishing..
- pray...
- now go face the world!
I love you and all those in our circle...
Mark A
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