Hopefully, beginning Monday, this blog will
return to it's original format.
However, as we approach the
winter, there will probably be
fewer pictures and perhpas more
For this seems to
be the season for reflection.
As the days grow shorter, and cold
temperatures nip at our noses and
and fingertips, something
within us seems to beckon to "snuggle
in" and spend more moments in quiet
times with ourselves, our loved
ones and our God.
Once again the garden has a lesson
for us.
As it settles in for this time
of dormancy , unseen activity
will be taking place there. Silently ...
I planted about a hundred bulbs
this past week; and I will be watching
for them to break through the
cold, seemingly barren ground as
early as February. " In the bulb there is a promise...."
(see archives -May 24)
TFT: "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1
Nice thoughts, mom.
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