Time Began in a Garden

"Now the Lord God planted a garden in the east, in Eden." Genesis 2:8

Friday, November 30, 2007


All decorated.

I put it up in a small sitting room off of my bedroom.

In my shotgun house, you can see the tree as you enter the front door, through the kitchen and into the bedroom.

What I like best is that it is in view as I sit in my big easy chair in my bedroom.

Had much fun decorating. Some of the ornaments are very old. And the majority of them are hand made. Grandmother's quilt around the bottom.

Wonderful memories.

TFT: Don't neglect to keep a bit of tradtition in every Christmas.

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Thursday, November 29, 2007


Mowser really likes his bed in the garage.

He seems to prefer being up off of the floor. The wheelbarrow works just fine.

By the way, he stirred a bit when I snapped his picture, but went right back to sleep. : )

TFT: "God's creation cannot subsist without God's abundant grace.
God has given human beings the sacred responsibility of mediating God's grace."
Vigen Guroian

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Some weeks ago
I began wishing to have a live Christmas Tree this year.

I looked it up in the old pictures, and the last time I had one was 1974!

I asked Peggy and Mike if they would help me pick one out and transport it to 5117 Wilson.

And of course they said, "Yes!".

We found the perfect one, and Mike is "bringing it home".

Everyone agreed...it's just right.

And so now it's waiting to be adorned with all it's Christmas finery. Will post an update in a day or two.

TFT: "Are you willing to believe that love is the strongest thing in the world-stronger than hate, stronger than evil, stronger than death-and that the blessed life which began in Bethlehem two thousand years ago is the image and brightness of the Eternal Love.

Then you can keep Christmas."

Henry Van Dyke

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


OK, so here's another kitty picture!
But you must admit, it would be a shame not to have recorded this moment.

I made him a nice warm bed in the garage and he has taken to it very well.

Loves to sit in "his" window.

TFT: "There is not a heart but has its moments of longing, yearning for something better, nobler, holier than it knows now." Henry Ward Beecher

(This picture was taken through my back screen door with zoom)

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Monday, November 26, 2007


Had a great Thanksgiving.

Once again I was privileged to be joined by Kim and her three children, plus the girls good friend, Marshae, and my good friend, Lee.

Richard was a bit outnumbered, but didn't seem to mind.

We had a wonderful dinner and then went to a movie. It was a great day!

TFT: "All who would win joy, must share it. Happiness was born a twin." Lord Byron

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Friday, November 23, 2007


Tuesday morning I set out for Cape Girardeau.

These were taken out the front windshield.
The sky was changing so rapidly before me.

The color just became more and more intense.

TFT: The weather has changed, and winter is beginning to make a statement. What wonders do you suppose it has in store for us?
"All God's glory and beauty come from within, and there He delights to dwell. His visits there are frequent.
His conversation sweet.
His comforts refreshing.
His peace passing all understanding."
Thomas Kemps

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Thursday, November 22, 2007


The Lord is Our Light and Our Salvation.

Let the Light of Gratitude burn brightly in our hearts and around this table on this Feast of Thanksgiving.

We are mindful of those without food or home.

We are grateful not only for the gift of Life, but for all the gifts of Friendship, Love, Family, Devotion and Forgiveness that we share.

We thank you God for becoming visible to us in one another and in the marvels of creation.

Come Lord and Bless all the food of this feast.

Thank you, Lord.

This prayer was in this week's bulletin from St. Ambrose Church.

Jennie always brings me the weekly bulletin as it contains information concerning the happenings in and around the Parish/Neighborhood

I thought I would share this prayer for table with you.

May the Lord Bless you and keep you.

Happy Thanksgiving

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Here we are among the antiques.

Went to St. Mary's to the huge antique mall. Had a great time. Saw all those things we've gotten rid of, and now they are selling for big bucks!


and me....

and Mary.

Traveled on old Hiway 61. Had to stop for Jennie to take a picture of the cows. She got so excited when she saw them I thought she might jump out of the car!

Had lunch at The Anvil in Ste. Genevieve....famous onion rings and homade pies. Yum! (did eat a few veggies etc. in between)

TFT: High on the list of things to be thankful for...friends, fun and food.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007


You remember Tom Turkey...hides out at my house each November about this time. (Check out Nov. 21, 2006 in Blog Archives for details)

And this year he's brought along a friend.

I don't think Hillbilly Hank here is "on the lamb". I think he's come for the turnips and cornbread!

TFT: How are the preparations coming?

Please remember that it is Thanksgiving Day, with the emphasis on gratitude.

Maybe we can be preparing our hearts as well as the feast.

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Monday, November 19, 2007


It's obligatory at my house!

They surely make themselves at home quickly, don't they?

TFT: "Love 'thinketh no evil', imputes no motive, sees the bright side, puts the best construction on every action. What a delightful state of mind to live in! What a stimulus and benediction even to meet with it for a day." Henry Drummond

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Friday, November 16, 2007


I know many of you are smiling..... :)

Have a great weekend.

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Thursday, November 15, 2007


"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower." Albert Camus

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007


It was so nice and warm this morning, I opened the back door, and in just a moment or two, this was what appeared.

I found out Sunday, that the neighbor across the alley is feeding him too!

Smart kitty.

"Cats seem to go on the prinicple that it never does any harm to ask for what you want." Joseph Krutch

(but he's going to have to eat outside!)

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Eveything's looking good in my "cold crop" garden at the YMCA Community Garden.

No one else in my group wanted to plant any fall crops, so I got the whole plot to myself.

They are almost ready to harvest. One of these days soon, I'm going to make a pan of cornbread and have a big plate full of turnips with hot, buttered cornbread on the side. Want to join me?

(You can take the girl out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the girl!) : )

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Monday, November 12, 2007


"Shoot for the moon, and if you miss, you will still be among the stars" Les Brown

Question for Mark A. What does "aim for the fences" mean?

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Friday, November 09, 2007


"Put a seal upon your lips, and forget what you have done.
After you have been kind, after Love has stolen forth into the world and done its beautiful work, go back into the shade again, and say nothing about it."

Henry Drummond


Thursday, November 08, 2007


My neighbor, Jerry, has a pet rabbit. Her name is Ingrid and she is beautiful.

He brought her down to visit Luca, the dog who lives next door.

They struck up a friendship immediately.
I think Luca would like for her to be able to come out and play.

TFT: "All things bright and beautiful...all creatures great and small.
All things wise and wonderful...the Lord God made them all..."
UMHymnal #147

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Tuesday, November 06, 2007


This pretty thing has been coming around lately.
Shows up every few days, and insists on coming inside for a few moments of quiet and relaxation together. The "purring" is most calming.

I have named him "Mowzer", because I am expecting him to keep the mice away this fall and winter!

TFT: "At times it is only necessary to rest one's self in silence for a few minutes, in order to take off the pressures and become wonderfully refreshed. " Dresser

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This beautiful creature didn't seem to mind the camera (or me).

Just went about from flower to flower in this harmony of autumn colors.

What wonders God has given us to enjoy if we slow down enough to see.

TFT: "There is plenitude in God...God is a vast reservoir of blessings who supplies us abundantly." Eugene Peterson

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Monday, November 05, 2007


This is my beautiful granddaughter, Sarah.
We were celebating her 23rd birthday, and the beginning of her career in design.

She leaves today for Baltimore, Maryland and her new job with Under Armor.

Check it out...it's exciting. http://www.underarmour.com/

A prayer for Sarah: "Dear Lord, please keep her safe, guide her steps, and help her to be the very best that she can be." Amen

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