This is Luigi.
One morning on our walk, we were up on Southwest Ave. and I stopped in front of this little barber shop.
I was commenting to Jerry that I bet it had been there a long time.
Just then, the owner came up the sidewalk with keys in hand and I said to him, "We were just wondering how long this shop had been in business."
"Forty-six years"
"Want to come in?"
We went in and I asked if I could take a picture.
"Sure," and he grabbed a comb and ran it through his hair.
As I began to focus the camera, he said, "No, I want him (Jerry) to take a picture of you and me!" We chatted a bit, and as we left he said, "You've made my day."
Seems that Luigi is a "singing barber".
You meet the nicest people on The Hill.
Very nice. Makes me smile that he wanted a picture with you!
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