Now people aren't the only ones who
enjoy a morning walk.
You meet lots of folks and their dogs
on a warm summer morning on The Hill.
In fact it is really a great way to really
meet your neighbors.
I have lots of pictures of my new friends.
These are several of my favorites. Sometimes it is difficult to determine who is walking who?(or is it whom?)
Be sure to look both ways before crossing the street!
This is Henry.
Henry lives just around the corner, and strolls by my house often.
This particular morning he paused long enough to have his pictue taken.
Talk about personality!
Or would it be "dog-ality"?
Either way, Henry has it!
TFT: "May God bless you and utterly satisfy your heart...with Himself" So says Amy Carmichael (and me!)
Hope to see you next week.
Amy says "hello" to all the doggies on the Hill....she told me it would be great fun to run up and give them all a big good morning lick
Mark A and Amy
Trooper is definitely on her way back to 100% and would enjoy a stroll on The Hill, too. I prefer "dogality". Dogs are a great way to meet other people.
Nice job on your alignment this morning. I've heard how incredibly frustrating that can be. Baxter chimes in his approval ... he says this post was exceptionally charming ... I agree! And may your heart be utterly satisfied as well :)
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