Time Began in a Garden

"Now the Lord God planted a garden in the east, in Eden." Genesis 2:8

Friday, May 30, 2008


"Finally, brethren, whatsoever thinsg are true,
whatsoever things are honest,
whatsoever things are just,
whatsoever things are pure,
whatsoever things are lovely,
whatsoever things are of good report;
if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise,
think on these things." Philippians 4-8

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Thursday, May 29, 2008


Simple bouquets

Some foks complain that God put thorns on roses.
Some praise Him for putting roses among thorns.
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Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Living across from the school.

Graduating 8th graders get one last ride on the big red fire engine. I guess you never get too old (or too sophisticated) to ride on a fire truck! :)

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008


A new look.
I think it's going to be really pretty.
Turning out to be a bigger job than anticipated

Does anyone remember how Tom Sawyer worked that whole fence-painting con job?

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Sunday, May 25, 2008


I reallly could not add anything to these websites.
Worth viewing.

Friday, May 23, 2008


Just being what it was meant to be.

"Every man's work is a portrait of himself."

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Thursday, May 22, 2008


Now isn't this a wonderful way to greet the day!

I know it makes me happy early in the morning.

"If you would be truly happy, do not add to your possessions, but rather subtract from the sum of your desires." Anonymous

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008


We cannot chose the weather.
We can't control the economy.
We can't choose whether or not we are born with a big nose or blue eyes or curly hair.
We can't even choose how people respond to us.
But we can choose where we spend eternity.
The big choice, God leaves to us. Max Lucado

"Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

Acts: 2:23

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008


A goldish brown. Is this amber?

I was very surprised to see this open up.
I don't recall seeing it before; even though these bulbs have been in the ground a long time.

Surprises in the garden are such fun!

"Life is full of surprises"

I wonder who was the first to say this....Maybe Adam....or maybe Eve!

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Monday, May 19, 2008


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Scroll down for details.


For tradiitionalists (my Harold was one) jello is red and iris are purple; this just might be the color of every year.
Check tomorrow for a very unusual shade of iris.
"For we must share if we would keep
That blessing from above;
Ceasing to give, we cease to have,
Such is the law of love." Apples of Gold

Friday, May 16, 2008


Last year when the annual "gardening" occured across the street at St. Ambrose, they pulled up bags and bags of iris and placed them at the curb to be hauled away.
I went over and brought a bag home. Gave some to neighbor Jerry, planted some in my garden, and when we both ran out of room, I scratched around in the dirt in the two small squares in the alley that we had previously tried to clean up.

They seemed to feel right at home (but of course, why wouldn't they...they've been living in the neighborhood for a long time!)

Another great example of "blooming where planted". Being moved from the churchyard to the alley might be considered quite an injustice, but if anything needs a bit of beauty, it would certainly be this spot. Another lesson from the flowers? Maybe so

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Thursday, May 15, 2008


Nothing is so strong as gentleness.
Nothing is so gentle as real strength.

This Dutch Iris opened up yesterday.
I forgot to mention that these bulbs were the first things I planted in my garden.

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Dutch Iris
Though technically not an iris as they are a bulb rather than a rhizome, these beauties are more at home in the iris family than in the tulip/jonquil category.

These were one of mother's favorite flowers, and we had a bank of them in the back yard of my childhood home. She always thought they were as pretty as any orchid she had ever seen, which would have been the traditional purple "prom" orchid and the very special white "wedding" orchid (generally carried on a small white Bible for the wedding bouquet. ) She was never privileged to see the incredible display of orchids at The Garden.

I planted these in her honor and always think of her as I watch them open up each spring. http://www.touchofnature.com/fallcatalog/dutchiris.htm

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008


"He who sows courtesy reaps friendship,
and he who plants kindness gathers love."
Apple of Gold

"Courtesy" is a word we don't here much anymore.
Maybe it needs to come back into style, both in language and practice.

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Monday, May 12, 2008


I have mentioned this before, but I shall mention it again.
I do believe that if all of the grandeur of the blossoms of Springtime made their appearance simultaneously it would surely be more than our senses could wrap themselves around. The colors, textures, shapes, fragrances, harmony, and overwhelming beauty are so much appreciated as each appears in a continuous pattern as the days grow sunny and warm.
From the moment that the first crocus breaks through; sometimes blooming midst the snow and even ice, the show never takes an intermission until every player has had it's time in the spotlight.
I am so thankful that the Creator of all chose to give us this beauty in such a manner that the magnificence can be savored and enjoyed for weeks and weeks.
Thank you, God.

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Thursday, May 08, 2008


The Creeping Phlox takes on the look of a butterfly.
"Some people can see at a glance what others cannot see with searchlights and telescopes." Apples of Gold
Look around you today; it might astonish you to see something you have been missing in the ordinary...something extra-ordinary perhaps.
Going out of town today. Stop by Monday.

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Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Although Amaryllis are fairly easy to get to bloom initially, it can be rather tedious verging on impossible to get them to bloom repeatedly year after year.
Neighbor Jerry has had this plant for years and this spring it has not one....

not two...

not three...

but four gorgeous blooms on it.

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Tuesday, May 06, 2008


This one is in the garden.

This one is in the front.

"We have truth in nature as it came from God.
And it has to be read with the same unbiassed mind, the same open eye, the same faith, and the same reverence, as all other revelation." Henry Drummond

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Monday, May 05, 2008


I have been told that during The Great Depression of the 20th Century (late 1920's/early 30's) that many who had fallen on really hard times would stop at farm houses to see if they could work for something to eat.
And I have been told that if they came upon some kind folks who would give them a good, hot, nourishing meal, that they would mark a fence post with a mark that others needing a hand out would recognize as a good place to stop.
Do you think cats have that same sort of system!

She's been coming around quite often and seems to be more interested in a friendly "Good Morning" and a bit of petting than she is in a bowl of cream.
Haven't invited her in yet, but do stop working in the garden long enough to give her some personal attention.
Seems to be working out as a pretty good relationship so far.
Have a great week.

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